Ooh My B.U.D.Z.

I wish i could turn back time just to spend time with them again.We've been through a lot of unforgettable memories like our Enchanted trip(2x), outing in zambales, 8 waves, Tagaytay, Laguna, d surbibor shooting, the never ending party at Ombie's crib, the song Happy, Staying at Oli's place, eastwood, virgin cafe,decades, SM, jamming, movie watching, malling, strolling, shopping, "takutan blues", charade, cutie hunting, stalking, endless stories, laughing, the unforgettable Jed's Island adventure! bdays, valentines and Christmas celebration, wedding, watching our favorite TV shows, singing, video making, food trip, Ice skating, the noisebarrage at the catwalk, shouting "save!" at the lab room, singing medleys w/ oli,pictorial, foundation day,The IT Booth, motorcade, Thesis, thesis lab, bible study, The Budz, bananacrepe, sisig, mango shake, jamaican...guys can you help me think pa.? eniweiz, Thanks for the memories!... eventhough we have lots of misunderstandings in the past still, we manage to save our friendship. Just be patient with everyone, learn to hear each side of the story and forgive each others fault. Enjoy and have fun! miss yah all!. She, we miss you here in Ph i hope u'll come back soon... lav yah budz!!! :-)
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